Wills and Trusts Attorney in Palm Desert
Wills and Trusts
Wills and Trusts Attorney in Palm Desert, CA
Differences Between wills and trusts
You have probably heard, or even decided already, that it is time to put together a will, or maybe a trust for your family. Perhaps you are not sure what you need. Our goal is to help you understand the important differences between a “will” and a “trust” and about the other documents you will want to have in place to protect your family. It could save your family a lot of time, money, and heartache. And, it will give you peace of mind.
One of the most important differences between a will and a trust that surprises many people is that a will does NOT avoid probate. Even if you carefully document your wishes in a will, your estate will still end up in court after your death. Worse yet, a will does not prevent conflict for your loved ones after you’re gone; many times, it ensures it.
The only way to avoid the delay, expense, and public nature of the probate system is to have a fully funded, personalized trust that will meet the unique needs of your family.
We look forward to creating and supporting a plan that works for your loved ones today and in the future.
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