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Pantea I. Fozouni Palm Desert Law Group Estate Planning

Get the bestselling book

on estate planning

  • Get the crucial legal lowdown you need to know to protect your kids
  • Discover how to pass on what really matters most – no matter how much money you have
  • Know for sure that you've done right by the people you love
  • All in an easy to read "choose your own adventure" style book

Written for people just like you

  • STORY ONE: Sara & Carlos have minor children at home.
  • STORY TWO: Chelsea & Alex have resources and want to know how to preserve those resources for generations to come.
  • STORY THREE: You  & Aiko don't have many resources, but want to know what their options are.

"A book that is sure to stick, Wear Clean Underwear is part story, part education, and pure brilliance."

—Michael Gerber, Father and bestselling author of The E-Myth Revisited

"Wear Clean Underwear is a must-read for busy parents who want the straight facts about must-do legal planning for their children."

—Julie Hall, The Estate Lady®, Author of The Boomer Burden

"As parents, we spend so much time and effort on how to prepare our children for the future, yet we often overlook the reality of how to protect and secure our children's future if we're no longer around. Using compelling stories, Ali Katz reveals the critical steps parents must address to plan effectively for their children's future. An eye-opening and much-needed guide!"

—Carolyn Ellis, Author of The 7 Pitfalls of Single Parenting: What To Avoid To Help Your Children Thrive After Divorce

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